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Archan Shamanism
Every culture needs the profession of dealing with the Demons, creating Healing and Possibility.
The culture of Archiarchy is no different.
Archiarchy is the regenerative, authentic-adulthood-initiations-centered, radically responsible, nonmaterial value culture rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Archiarchy is the culture of archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men.
Possibilitators around the world are collaborating to build-out and inhabit gameworlds that provide Archan infrastructure.
Shamanism is a profession as old as humanity. Wherever and whenever something was/is not right, the Shaman's job is to bring things back into order and balance, assuring that individuals, families, and food supplies are healthy enough that the tribe can go on.
Every style or branch of Shamanism uses its own technology.
'Archan Shamanism' is the kind of Shamanism that Archans do.
Trying to understand Archan Shamanism by trying to fit it into Indigenous Shamanism - as if Archan Shamanism is somehow a subset of Indigenous Shamanism, as if Archan Shamanism should be understood or approved of by Indigenous Shamanism - is bound to fail.
These are different times and different situations. Here and now the Capitalist Patriarchal Hierarchy is failing dishonerably. Here and now environmental stability on Earth is collapsing due to rapidly changing climate and unconscionably degraded ecosystems. A new form of Shamanism is needed. This is why Indigenous and Archan Shamanisms are Universes apart.
The same caution applies to trying to compare the thoughtmaps of Archiarchy with Indigenous thoughtmaps, simply because they have the number 4 in them, such as comparing 4 Feelings, 4 Brains, 4 Enemies, etc. with the 4 elements, 4 directions, 4 humans tribes, etc.
The mind loves puzzle and riddles. This does not mean that there are any comparisons in reality. It is only the mind trying to make things symmetrical, not trying to be accurate in the new domains. Learning Archan Shamanism is a time to shift out of Defensive Learning into Expansive Learning, and a time to shift out of Verbal Reality and into Experiential Reality.
We are relatively sure that Archiarchy is a new domain, an entirely new form of culture that never existed on Earth before... not even in 'Atlantis', which apparently was a slave-owning Patriarchy devoured by unconscious Low Drama Gremlin feasts!
Because 'Possibility Management (PM) is thoughtware for Archiarchy', Possibility Management is also a primary resource for Archan Shamanism.
The result is that Possibilitator Training is the skill-building doorway to, and a platform for learning the fundamentals of, Archan Shamanism.
This website hopes to shed light on the Distinctions, Thoughtware, Thoughtmaps, Processes, and Tools used by the various Archan Shamanism Specialties as provided in Possibilitator Training.
The proceses delivered by traditional indigenous Shamanism have been classified by various researchers. In particular we relate to Rogan P. Taylor's book, The Death And Resurrection Show, which labels two core classifications of Shamanic healing: banishment, and retrieval.
'BANISHMENT' means to get rid of something extra which does not belong there, or which is causing an imbalance by being there.
'RETRIEVAL' means to bring back and reinstate something which was there before but which was sent away, causing an imbalance through its absence.
To these two traditional Shamanic healing procedures, Archan Shamans add a few others, namely 3 Phase Healing, Initiation, and Transformation.
'3 PHASE HEALING' regards the problem as the solution. Symptoms are respected for holding Golden Keys for steps and Practices along a person's Evolutionary Path. Whereas in 2 Phase healing, as used by modern medicine, Phase 1 is regarded as the definition of 'health', Phase 2 is regarded as 'illness'. The Doctor's job is to bring the patient out of Phase 2 and return them to 'health' as defined in Phase 1. In 3 Phase Healing, Phase 1 is a Client's previous condition, Phase 2 is considered to be a 5-Body Liquid State which the Client created and entered in order to evolve, and Phase 3 will be the Client's evolved state after integrating all the evolutionary changes that were occuring during Phase 2.
In addition to one-on-one Shamanic treatments, Archan Shawomen (and Shamen) also treat Archan spaces that include several or many gameworld participants through applying procedures for banishment, retrieval, initiation, and transformation, for example through Torus Meeting Technology.
'INITIATION' means the specific formidable authentic adulthood initiatory processes needed to obliterate and transform an adolescent's childhood Survival Strategy, and to replace it step-by-step with a completely new Free And Natural Adult relationship with the Universe which gives the Client Authority, Radical Responsibility, and Agency.
'TRANSFORMATION' means facilitating a Client or a Gameworld to move their Point Of Origin from one Context to another Context. For a Client, Transformation means gaining the option of Shifting Identity. For a Gameworld, Transformation means gaining the option of changing Purpose or Context.
In traditional indigenous Shamanism, it can be either common, or central, for the Shaman to require the Client to ingest or inhale various psychoactive substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana/cannabis (tetrahydracannabinol), hashish, LSD (lysergic acid dimethylamine), ayauasca, peyote/mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine), ketamine, ecstasy (dimethyltriptamine), other street drugs, or even opioids such as heroin. These substances, sometimes in combination with hours of rythmic drumming, physical exertion, or sleep deprivation, have the potential to chemically alter human brain functions. Indigenous Shamans use these substances and procedures as a way to move a person's Center of awareness out of their reasoning or logical mind to gain temporary access a wider or less restricted experience of the multidimensional Universe.
Having had our own experiences with these substances and procedures we can assert that they do have various effects, but we can also assert that the effects are not generally sustainable.
What we have discovered to determine the practical integration of new faculties or shifts in awareness is Matrix Building, preparations, Self Observation, Feedback and Coaching in Your Teams, and A Life Of Practice.
Not only that, but when a person builds enough of the proper kinds of Matrix, and is prepared to sustain a shift of awareness, we notice that this shift very often occurs 'by reflex'.
In other words, the Universe is waiting for you to properly prepare yourself, and the instant you are properly prepared, the shift occurs spontaneously, all by itself, and is organically sustainable. In 'evolution by reflex', the shape of your Being changes, not just the shape of your mind as may occur with drugs.
When your Being changes shape, the Universe is forced to interact with you differently, and E.C.C.O. can offer you entirely new jobs to do and opportunities to choose from.
This is NOT trying to tell you - the potential Archan Shaman - not to experiment with any of these substances. We know from personal experience that the memories which can be created during chemically-induced altered states can remain for a lifetime and serve you as valuable new reference points or landmarks for what else is possible other than the Zombie world.
On the other hand, we warn you that we have friends who have gotten addicted, overdosed, or adversely affected with long-term or permanent side-effects or after-effects ('flashbacks') from using these substances too often or too long. Even with one-time use, these chemicals can leave permanent damage in the brain and other organs, especially when they are cut or contaminated with toxins and sold on the streets.
Not only that, but unprincipled 'Indigenous Shamans' have been known to seek revenge, financial gain, or engage in sexual abuse through promoting prolonged or improper use of these substances on unsuspecting white people.
In short, what we are saying is that using substances is NOT part of becoming, or serving as, an Archan Shaman.
Instead, we have discovered and regularly use powerful alternative routes for bringing about similar or even more profound healings, initiations, and transformations than can be caused by substances, and these Archan techniques and processes are safe and sustainable.
Consciousness is a force of Healing, Initiation, and Transformation.
What we have found is that if you lead with Consciousness, then sustainable Healing, Initiation, and Transformation irrestably follow.
Understanding this is as simple as considering how a Completion Loop completes a communication and then the necessity for the communication vanishes, or how As Ising completes an experience and then the necessity for the pain or memory of the experience vanishes.
When raw Consciousness is brought into direct contact with What Is, What Is completes itself by building awareness, and the necessity for remembering or constantly reminding yourself of the existence of that particular What Is drops away.
Bringing direct Consciousness (or Awareness) to bear in the moment can become a moment-to-moment Practice in a Minimized Now.
Human beings are designed to implement real-time Consciousness. This means Sword out, Bullshit Detector turned on, walking through the world sourcing Archetypal Love and Awe. This can become home for a Free And Natural Adult initiated Archan Shaman. This is where Possibilitator Training is headed.
Possibilitator Training is Flying School. It is Mage Training. It is Archan Shaman training.
'Archan Shaman' is one of the Possibilitator Training Specialties. Archan Shaman can show, for example, up as Feelings Practitioner, Possibility Coach, and Possibility Trainer.
No one but you can give you Possibilitator Training.
No one can stop you from taking Possibilitator Training.
It can be extremely helpful to begin Archan Shamanism by learning what Possibility is, and what a Possibilitator is. Then you can more intelligently decide if this Path is part of your future.
Archiarchy infrastructure is not invented yet. Yes, Archiarchy already has come into existence. That was Phase 1 of Archiarchy: the birth of Archiarchy. Now we have entered Phase 2 of Archiarchy: building and inhabiting Archan infrastructure gameworlds. You have one (or more) of these Archan infrastructure gameworlds inside of you, as a potential, a longing, a vision. What are you going to do about it? How will you bring them to life?
Three things we have learned is that:
- You won't give birth to your Authentic Adulthood potential if you have not yet healed enough of your childhood and past-life wounds through Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- You won't be able to Cavitate, Hold, and Navigate your part of Archiarchy if your Gremlin is not Transformed.
- You won't be able to stay Unhookable and Unreactive enough to remain Present until after you Decontaminate your Adult Egostate.
This is why Possibilitator Training begins with you releasing enough Baggage to settle into First Position by you delivering lots and lots (hundreds) of Emotional Healing Processes (EHPs), while Transforming your Gremlin and Decontaminating your Adult Egostate.
Yes, Possibilitator Training is a lot of Work. But it is good Work. And then suddenly things become fantastically alive and engaging.
We invite you to check it out. We look forward to an invitation to meet you.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayeronline-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate yourpoint of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what youthink about. Your thoughtware is what you useto think with. When you change your thoughtware,you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring uptransformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points wewill change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading thiswhole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ARSHAMAN.00 to log yourMatrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!